This week I’ve identified the difference between a social media crisis and a social media issue, and laid out some simple techniques and examples to differentiate between the two. I thought the best way to end this important series would be with some guidance on what to do with it all.
Where do you go from here?
The most valuable advice I can give you is that you need to:
Define what a social media crisis and a social media issue means to YOUR brand
This means sitting down with the right people within your organization – and for best results a social media crisis manager/consultant should lead this meeting – and determine what both situations mean to your brand, how to define each of them and what the specific red flags are for detecting them early on.
Develop a comprehensive plan for detecting, responding and resolving both
This includes both a social media crisis communications plan AND a social media issues communications plan for your company or organization.
Train your staff
The only way to properly resolve, either a social media crisis or a social media issue in minimum time and with minimum repercussions to your brand for the long-term is by being prepared. The communications plans will help you define and prepare, but unless you train your entire staff on what their particular role is within any situation and how to properly react and respond, your planning is for nothing.
And of course, you can train your staff in theory, but without some time spent in simulations and/or tabletop exercises, you have no sure way of knowing that all of your theory, efforts, planning and training are as close to perfect as they can be.
In closing
We see social media crises and social media issues overwhelm and threaten the reputations of brands all around us, all the time. One thing about both is that they don’t discriminate against brand size, industry or type – and they happen fast! So take the necessary steps to protect and prepare your company or organization, the right way. From what I’ve seen in my experience as a social media crisis consultant is that it is so worth it!
There are tons of tools and information on this website alone to get you started, no matter what your budget or available time is – so there’s no excuse!
With that I leave you with a quote that I’m sure you’ve heard before, but that doesn’t make it any less true!
“Failing to plan is simply planning to fail” – Benjamin Franklin

Author of Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, Melissa Agnes is a leading authority on crisis preparedness, reputation management, and brand protection. Agnes is a coveted keynote speaker, commentator, and advisor to some of today’s leading organizations faced with the greatest risks. Learn more about Melissa and her work here.
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