The Crisis ReadyTM Formula for Detecting Negative Virality
A common fear when it comes to issue and crisis management is the uncertainty around virality. Which makes sense. Nobody wants the unwelcome surprise of having an otherwise seemingly insignificant issue go viral* against their organization.
While you can never be one hundred percent certain when a negative event will go viral against your brand, you can put your team in a position to quickly detect the heightened probability of negative virality.
This Crisis ReadyTM Formula, by Melissa Agnes, was designed to help your team do precisely that. Download it and implement the action item provided within to progress and strengthen your team's crisis readiness.
*Virality is relative. It is determined by the influx of unwanted attention to your organization or cause. Its risk is then determined by the potential long-term material impact the situation threatens to have on your brand.

More Crisis ReadyTM resources that may interest you
This Crisis ReadyTM Formula helps your team effectively de-escalate highly emotional situations.

This Crisis Ready Formula helps your team effectively manage controversial issues.

This flowchart provides your team with a resource to respond appropriately to any negative incident that may strike.