Crisis Ready Internal Escalation Protocol
Having a process for assessing and escalating a given incident is an essential part of your crisis ready program. To provide you with a baseline of what this might look like, following is a high-level escalation protocol overview. Feel free to download this as a resource and adapt it to the structure, needs, and objectives of your organization.
Remember: In order to properly assess the given scope and impact of a situation, you need to first define what a “crisis” vs. an “issue” is for your organization.
To learn more about the teams referenced in this protocol, read Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, by Melissa Agnes.

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Melissa's Crisis Ready Formula helps your team effectively manage controversial issues.

Provide your team with a resource to respond appropriately to any negative incident that may strike.

This Crisis ReadyTM Formula helps your team effectively de-escalate highly emotional situations.