I’m extremely excited to announce that I have joined forces with two leading crisis managers, Jonathan Bernstein of Bernstein Crisis Management Inc. and Rich Klein of LawFirmsPR, to co-host a weekly broadcast, via On Air Google Hangouts, called The Crisis Show!
About The Crisis Show
The Crisis Show will be streamed over Google Hangouts On Air every Wednesday at 7 p.m. ET, beginning June 13. The show will analyze some of the most high profile crisis events from around the world, including natural and man-made disasters, terrorism/violent crimes, workplace violence, white-collar crimes, product recalls and missteps by executives, public officials and celebrities — as well as some of the most notorious social media crises.
The show will originate on Google Hangouts but a link to the live feed will be found on a wide variety of sites, including YouTube. As part of each week’s show, we will be showing videos and/or online coverage of crisis situations and analyzing them for you – our audience. The show will also include special guests, including CEOs, attorneys, various spokespeople and crisis management-related experts from around the globe.
Schedule us in!
Be sure to schedule the first airing of The Crisis Show in your calendar and I look very forward to seeing you there!
Click here to schedule The Crisis Show’s premiere into your calendar now!

Author of Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, Melissa Agnes is a leading authority on crisis preparedness, reputation management, and brand protection. Agnes is a coveted keynote speaker, commentator, and advisor to some of today’s leading organizations faced with the greatest risks. Learn more about Melissa and her work here.
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