Welcome to episode #038 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes and Nick Morgan.
Every conversation is two conversations, says Dr. Nick Morgan, President of Public Words. The first, being our spoken words and the second being our body language. In fact, our body language – that second conversation – speaks very loudly to the unconscious mind of those we’re communicating with. So loudly that it’s the part of the conversation that people are most inclined to believe, especially if it contradicts the words being spoken.
This is particularly important for leaders and spokespeople to remember in a crisis. When you have the weight of high stakes communication on your shoulders, you absolutely want your presence, gestures and body language to affirm your words, rather than oppose them. Sometimes, something as simple and innocent as being nervous can make a person look shady and untrustworthy – not something you want to come across as, being the leader, spokesperson or PIO of a crisis. So then the big question is: How can you master this second conversation to make sure that you communicate effectively and compassionately in a crisis?
In this episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, I sit down with Dr. Nick Morgan, coach, speaker and writer on smart communications, to answer this very question. Within this episode, Nick and I discuss the power of the second conversation and Nick reveals key tactics to help you master your subconscious body language to position yourself as a powerful, confident and trustworthy leader, especially when the stakes are high.
This episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast discusses:
- How to convey leadership immediately upon walking into a room – or up to a podium.
- How your past, therefore your habitual body language and subconscious mind, impacts your second conversation – and how to overcome this.
- Why this type of mastery needs to be incorporated as part of your crisis preparedness strategy and training.
- What it is about your voice that you absolutely need to master, that is, if you’re serious about leadership.
- What mirror neurons are (hint: they’re fascinating!) and how they impact crisis leadership.
It’s an interesting conversation with tons of practical takeaways. Enjoy!
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Running time: 52:38
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Learn more about Agnes + Day, The Crisis Intelligence Firm.
Learn more about Nick Morgan
Follow Nick on Twitter: @DrNickMorgan
I highly recommend reading Nick’s book, Power Cues
Check out Nick’s company, Public Words
A big thanks to Nick for having this insightful conversation with me.

Author of Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, Melissa Agnes is a leading authority on crisis preparedness, reputation management, and brand protection. Agnes is a coveted keynote speaker, commentator, and advisor to some of today’s leading organizations faced with the greatest risks. Learn more about Melissa and her work here.
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