Welcome to episode #053 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes and Dr. Thomas Phelan.
When it comes to critical communications, comprehension is imperative. It can literally mean the difference between life and death. And yet, according to recent research conducted by Dr. Thomas Phelan, the majority of “emergency management messages may be reaching their intended audiences, but at a level that is not being understood”.
In this episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, Dr. Tom and I discuss the importance of understanding and meeting the public’s readability levels when it comes to preparing for and drafting emergency management messages. In this podcast, Dr. Tom shares the results of his research and provides suggested guidelines to follow while crafting your emergency messages and crisis communications, to make sure they are simplistic, clear and at the lowest possible readability level.
This episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast discusses:
- Why low readability levels matter in crisis communications.
- Eye-opening facts about readability levels of adults in the U.S.
- Tips on how to draft crisis communications to be as low a readability level as possible.
- How emergency management academic programs should include lessons on literacy and crafting emergency management messages at appropriate reading levels.
It’s a very informative and important listen. Enjoy!
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Running time: 59:46
Documents mentioned in podcast
- Powerpoint Presentation: Literacy Matters: EM Messages and Readability Levels – by Dr. Tom
- Previous podcast with Dr. Tom: TCIP #019 – Emergency Management as a Field Rather Than a Profession With Dr. Thomas D. Phelan
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About host, Melissa Agnes
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Email Melissa directly: melissa@melissaagnes.com
Learn more about Agnes + Day, Melissa’s crisis management firm.
About guest, Dr. Thomas Phelan
Learn more about Dr. Tom and connect with him on LinkedIn
Email Dr. Tom directly at phelandrtom@gmail.com
Thanks to Dr. Tom for sharing this important study and takeaways with us!

Author of Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, Melissa Agnes is a leading authority on crisis preparedness, reputation management, and brand protection. Agnes is a coveted keynote speaker, commentator, and advisor to some of today’s leading organizations faced with the greatest risks. Learn more about Melissa and her work here.
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