If you’ve been following my work for a while, you may remember my Crisis Intelligence Podcast which currently sits at 60 interviews with leaders from around the world, discussing their lens and experience when it comes to crisis management and preparedness.
When I started the Crisis Ready Video Series, I stopped the regularity of my podcast. There simply wasn’t enough time in a week to do both. However, after receiving request after request to bring the podcast back (Thank you to all of you who enjoyed it enough to request its return!), I’m excited to share that the podcast is coming back—only even better!
Introducing the newly revamped podcast
I’ve rebranded the podcast from “The Crisis Intelligence Podcast” to “Invincible Brand”. Why? Because that’s the ultimate goal—to help you build brand invincibility. This means that the discussions will be of a wider scope than solely the lens or angle of crisis management, in order to encompass every element of truly becoming crisis ready and building brand invincibility (because, if you’ve read my book, then you know that being crisis ready requires more than just crisis preparedness).
Starting September 4th, every Tuesday I will release a new conversation with a fascinating and empowering leader where we will discuss different strategies, case studies, and business lessons to help you continue your journey towards building an invincible brand.
This is more than a heads-up—I need your help!
As with everything I do, I like to tailor it to you. This podcast is not about me. It’s about helping YOU build an invincible brand. Therefore, in order to hit my mark, I’m requesting your help.
- What brand issues are you facing internally and/or externally that you’d like me to address and provide helpful tactics and strategies for overcoming?
- What topics are most interesting to you, that you’d like me to delve deeper into within the podcast (i.e.: versus a 3-minute crisis ready video)?
- Do you know an empowering leader with a great message, story, and implementable takeaways to share, who you think would be a great guest on the show?
I’d love to hear from you regarding any, all, or something different from the above. Feel free to include a comment below or message me directly, and help me make this podcast as valuable as it can be for you.
Interested in becoming a sponsor?
I’ve also decided to seek sponsorship for the podcast and want to give first dibs at the opportunity to you, my faithful reader. If your business would benefit from being in front of progressive leaders who are making an impact within their organizations and communities, and if your brand aligns with everything my brand and crisis readiness stand for, and if you’re interested in learning more about a sponsorship opportunity with me, then email me and let’s chat!
Subscribe to the Invincible Brand Podcast now!
I’m really excited to be bringing the podcast back. I’ve missed it—and it has been heart-warming to hear that many of you have too. So, if you’re interested in tuning in, subscribe vial email, on iTunes, Google Play Music or Stitcher, and don’t miss the first episode which will air September 4th, 2018!

Author of Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, Melissa Agnes is a leading authority on crisis preparedness, reputation management, and brand protection. Agnes is a coveted keynote speaker, commentator, and advisor to some of today’s leading organizations faced with the greatest risks. Learn more about Melissa and her work here.
I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at FPPTA this morning. I am interested in your view about Roseann Barr blaming her stupid comments on Ambien. The next day Ambien put this out: “Racism is not a side effect of Ambien”. I found this so funny. What do you think of ABCs response?
Eloise Pennington
Hi Eloise,
It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference earlier this week. I believe we chatted together about the Roseann debacle at the conference this week, did we not? When the incident happened, I had provided commentary here, if you’re interested in taking a look – and I’d welcome a continuation of the discussion afterwards if you’d like! https://withoutbullshit.com/blog/insights-from-abcs-pitch-perfect-slap-down-of-roseanne-barr-with-commentary-by-melissa-agnes