As you may have heard, Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, is my new book – and I’m so excited that it’s finally available for you on Amazon!
This book has been a true labour of love, with you and your organization fueling my focus, drive and passion in its creation.
When I set out to write Crisis Ready, the last thing I wanted was to write yet another (boring) book on crisis management. Instead, Crisis Ready needed to be a book that people enjoyed reading. A book that would inspire action, and provide a precise roadmap to helping your organization truly become crisis ready, and thus, build brand invincibility. I wanted it to be practical, engaging, and fun for your entire team. (Yes, you read correctly, I said “fun” in reference to a book on crisis management!)
Why Crisis Ready matters to you (or why it should)
While you can learn more about purchasing Crisis Ready here, I wanted to provide you with a little more insight into what this book is, and how it was specifically designed for you and your team. So, with that in mind, following are answers to some questions I am asked frequently, in regards to the book and what it means to build business invincibility.
P.S. If you’d like to download information about Crisis Ready to bring to your management team, feel free to click here!
>> What are the biggest risks to most modern businesses today?
While there are a range of risks—whether we’re talking targeted cybersecurity attacks, straight through to impactful employee misconduct—the greatest risk lies in having a team that is not trained to see—or better yet, anticipate—a rising threat, in real-time; a team that is not trained to understand how to quickly assess the emotional relatability of that threat and instantly identify its potential long-term negative impact on the organization; or a team that does not clearly understand what is expected of them when these types of incidents materialize, and is not empowered to make smart decisions in tough situations that will mitigate further escalation of the incident at hand.
This is where modern businesses are most exposed. No matter our level of security, due diligence, or control, the reality is that we live in uncertain times where organizations are prone to a multitude of risks that can come from every angle – and if you have any doubt, just ask Crock-Pot! The biggest risk is not that they might happen, but that if they do happen, your team is not ready or empowered to instantly nip them in the bud.
>> What is the potential impact of failing to be crisis ready?
Failing to be crisis ready means that your team will not be in the best possible position to identify a risk and instinctively take measures to prevent it, or mitigate its escalation. It means that your team may very well unintentionally cause an issue that garners unwanted attention—how often do we watch in bewilderment as an organization suffers unwanted negative, viral attention because their team failed to ask themselves simple questions, like, “How could this message be misinterpreted or misconstrued?” (Such as this example, or these ones.)
Failing to be crisis ready means your organization is unnecessarily vulnerable to high-impact risk; but most importantly, failing to be crisis ready means a world of missed opportunity. Why? Because the truth is that being crisis ready offers multiple business advantages that far exceed the acts of issue and crisis management. Being crisis ready benefits things like:
- The overall relationships you share with your stakeholders;
- Your brand’s trust and credibility in the marketplace;
- Boosting company morale;
- Strengthening processes for increased efficacy and productivity;
- And much more.
>> Why is readiness more important than management?
Management is what one does after the negative event has occurred. Readiness is what one does to build an INVINCIBLE brand, where negative situations don’t occur—and if they do, they’re instantly transformed into positive opportunities that lead to increased organizational trust, credibility, and goodwill. Crisis Ready was designed to be your roadmap to this type of business invincibility.
>> Who are the people that need to know this information?
Becoming crisis ready, and thus building an INVINCIBLE brand, is cultural. Culture needs to begin at the top and run through the entirety of the organization—through every department, every team member, and in every region.
So, while leadership needs to know this information and proactively support it, so does every other member of the team throughout the organization. From the heads of departments that will be responsible for the oversight of issue and crisis management, straight through to the employees on the frontlines, who may be the first to catch wind of a rising risk and, if trained and empowered effectively, mitigate any potential escalation right then and there. For this reason, it was important to me that this book be designed for every member of your team.
>> When is the correct time to implement a crisis ready culture?
That’s like asking when the correct time to start building stakeholder trust is, or when the correct time to mitigate a negative outcome is. The answer is every day. Implementing a crisis ready culture is an everyday endeavor. And every day begins with today. (Which is precisely why you should your copy now!)
>> How does this book help you become crisis ready?
This book begins by providing readers with an in-depth understanding of what it means to be crisis ready and then moves into providing the exact roadmap for implementing a crisis ready culture. I have taken every aspect of how I help clients build invincible brands, through my years of consultancy and as a speaker, and poured it into this book, leaving nothing out.
Organizations that are crisis ready are more than just resilient. They’re INVINCIBLE, but they’re invincible because they deserve to be. Organizations that are crisis ready don’t just understand the high-impact risks that pertain to their business and how to prevent and manage them; they understand and appreciate the people who enable their business to exist, and they are focused on leading with heart, authenticity, and value.
I strongly believe that if every organization was crisis ready, we would live in a much kinder, more balanced world. Every worthy organization deserves to be INVINCIBLE. But as much as I may like to, I can’t work with every organization. What I can do is provide my framework and an exact roadmap for effective implementation. This is what I’ve done through this book, for precisely these reasons.
If you’d like to download a .pdf version of this information, along with more details on Crisis Ready to bring to your management team, click here!
Crisis Ready.
The book to help you build an INVINCIBLE brand.
By Melissa Agnes
Order copies for you and your team on amazon, or contact for special bulk pricing!

Author of Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, Melissa Agnes is a leading authority on crisis preparedness, reputation management, and brand protection. Agnes is a coveted keynote speaker, commentator, and advisor to some of today’s leading organizations faced with the greatest risks. Learn more about Melissa and her work here.
Hi Melissa, how are you? I am a Brazilian and a journalist with two years of experience in crisis management and I really like the subject. I’m studying to specialize and start writing about it. I found your site and was excited about the content. Right now, I’m looking for replacement and study. Congratulations for your work. Thank you.
Thank you, Giselle, and welcome! I’m glad you’re here and look forward to future engagements, whether here or other places online. Have fun learning about this important topic.