The Crisis Ready Formula for Managing Controversies
Controversies are amongst the most difficult types of negative events to manage effectively. Why? Because they are emotionally charged situations that automatically segregate your audience. Not to mention that, due to their emotional relatability, they present a high-risk for fast escalation and virality.
Furthermore, with our current societal climate—with everything from the Me Too and Time’s Up movements, to society’s collective stance against racial discrimination, and more—controversial issues are an increasing high-risk scenario for many organizations.
Fortunately, there is a 4-step Crisis Ready formula for effectively managing the majority of controversial issues. Share this formula with your team prior to experiencing a controversy, and be ready to get ahead of this type of incident that threatens both highvelocity of reach, and long-term impact on your brand’s reputation.

More crisis ready resources that may interest you...
Teach your team to quickly detect the heightened probability of an incident garnering unwanted public attention.

This flowchart provides your team with a resource to respond appropriately to any negative incident that may strike.

This Crisis ReadyTM Formula helps your team effectively de-escalate highly emotional situations.