“There’s so much risk involved with social media, and I’ve seen so many other companies get slammed on their own channels, that I’ve decided to shut down my Facebook and Twitter pages and be done with it all. Now nothing bad can happen to me or my brand online!” How great would that be (for […]
How To Prepare For Both a Social Media Crisis and a Social Media Issue
This week I’ve identified the difference between a social media crisis and a social media issue, and laid out some simple techniques and examples to differentiate between the two. I thought the best way to end this important series would be with some guidance on what to do with it all. Where do you go […]
Detecting A Social Media Crisis vs. A Social Media Issue
In yesterday’s post I identified the difference between a social media crisis and a social media issue, and as Jeff Haws, of Grizzard Communications Group, Inc., tweeted: “Spoiler: You’d prefer an issue.” Jeff is definitely right. But how can your social media monitors easily detect when an irritating and overwhelming social media attack is either a […]
The Difference Between a Social Media Crisis and a Social Media Issue
Last week, the lovely Charlotte Lyng wrote a guest post for my blog titled “Identifying A Crisis and Managing it Effectively“, in which she stated: “Organisations deal with problems every day; unsatisfied customers, rising prices, disrupted services, late shipments etc., but these do not necessarily constitute a crisis.” And how true this statement is! But […]
How To Deal With Individuals Who Threaten a Social Media Attack On Your Brand
Yesterday morning (Monday) I received this email in my inbox from an individual who had written me on Friday: Although this snarky email was apparently meant as a (unnecessary) joke (and followed by an even ruder email), it got me thinking about the threat of a social media attack: how they can be intimidating while […]